First off I just wanted to say Zenit has by far the best customer support and best custom options available, this is my second custom board done by them and I'm very stoked on both boards. The custom DH in the drake shape is great, it arrived in just under 2 weeks which is insane for a custom board (website states it can take up to 4 weeks) The concave that I chose on my DH custom was the rocket/stinger mold, so far I'm super impressed with this concave especially with the drake shape it creates a very distinct flare which provides a really good reference point for your toes and heels. I find I don't have to look down to see where my feet are, it is a more aggressive concave which I like a lot, say that though its not over bearing by any means. This board was my first look into more of of the tiny board trend that has been going around lately and so far I've really been enjoying it, haven't taken it over 60kmh yet but I'm excited to. The only con I can come up with regarding this board/shape is it is a little small in terms on stance. The drake shape does have cutouts so it does force you to have a more narrow stance, not a bad thing, but I do wish I had another inch or 2 of standing platform at my disposal possibly in the future I think it would be really cool if they made this shape slightly longer, (mine is 31 inches long) I think if they could make this board at a 32.5 or 33 inch it would be absolutely perfect. Thanks a bunch to the team at Zenit for creating such a rad board, cant imagine myself riding a different brand of board and cant recommend them enough for someone looking for a new board. 10/10 keep up the great work Zenit team, would love to be able to represent you guys in one way or another ;)